Nup II

Time is like a gnawing itch that you scratch but that keeps itching over and over then everything is loud and you wish you didn't pick your nails so that they were longer and thereby better for scratching so you could dig them into that itch that isn't sexually related because it's on your elbow plus getting that type of itch would require activities that- well it's definitely not that sort of itch.

That's what time is like.

Plus every time you scratch, there is magical new scratchy place on neck or hand or.. Wait, DOIHAVEFLEAS?!?

I guess it's like they say- if you lie down with the dogs, you get arrested.

My fantabulirrifical day continued as expected. I'll concede that one mightn't be a word, but why the hell not? If that's not a word, why does horrificalible get to-- oh, that's not either? Not exactly FREE speech if you can't make up words.

Today definitely got to me. I partly blame my dream girl, aka unnamed girl of fictions I met while asleep last night. It's like when you those freaks watched Avatar and cried because the fictional planet of beauty where everything tries to kill you wasn't real. Seeing as I live in Australia, I need not long for any additional death traps cause we have deadly females, and other animals, whereas Pandora just had made-up-ness. I don't get the "I wish I lived somewhere more likely to kill me" as a result, but MAYBE I just take that side of my country for granted.

Or maybe I'm not fricking crazy.

Haha. Ok, so I take it for granted. So I wake up thinking THAT.WAS.AWESOME. Yes it is very sad that my dreams are about communication and kisses and loviness and daffodils and zombie cults and rainbows. But not real. I used to be so used to that, that the day after a really good day, I'd wake, wondering if it wasn't even real. And it was!! So this just made me want to sleep more instead of facing that annoying itch of life, since I was running out of time to scratch away.

Work shenanigans, which I'm not really going to go into, as well as some other things I'm not going to go into either - there's such a thing as too much information, and okay, so I'm already at that stage, but that's not reason to go off all in... if that makes sense.

I had the unnerving compulsion to walk in the rain - and wouldn't you know it, every time I went to try and walk in it to compound my foul mood, the torrent ceased. This happens to me from time to time (or itch to itch) where things I want to go wrong never really do. Yes, I've complained about getting too many green lights while driving!

It's not a case that nothing ever goes wrong, but none of the trivial stuff does. At least not alone.

Unfortunately today has had no writing beyond this blog (though two entries, not bad). Just not in the right mood for my awesome novel of awesomeness. Maybe tomorrow.



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