Chew Carefully

Time is like a finding frozen mouse in the oven. You don't understand what it's doing here, and you're not sure if you really want an explanation of why it's there in the first place, but you've never said no to a free meal. Even the bad times are still times you get instead of hungry death, and if you get it saucy enough, it makes for a tasty treat. Just close your eyes and chew, you big girl.

There are times like that for me. Also, you should probably clean the oven. Just saying.

Sometimes I get the feeling that no matter how much people might smile when I'm around, like that mouse, I may not really belong. Of course I also tend to notice that they're a bit more receptive when I am sauced-up. Might be on to something here!

The feeling of OHGODWHATAMIDOINGHERE??? is unfortunately a difficult one to shake. Unlike my online interactions where I'm attention-seeking and silly, in the breathing world I'm shy, attention-seeking and silly. And while before I get to the situations, I think to myself that going along to something will be awesome, when I'm there I think.. well I already said that. But to elaborate more, "Will this never end?" also crosses my mind.

People freak me out. Possibly even you.

It's not that I think people are staring at me, like I'm the star of some really shitty Truman Show, cause that would be egotistical and wouldn't gel with my self-esteem deficiency.

But why does it look like they're looking at me?

You ever go for a walk somewhere random and see people staring at you like you're going to destroy the universe or they're time-travellers or something? Where do they even get these ideas???

Then there are times when my personalities WANT attention. They crave it, like a mouse wants the leftover pizza that's in the oven despite it probably being a trap, and SOMEHOW FREEZE! Those are the days when I think I'm looking good, or on a sugar high from candy. It always seems like SUCH a WASTE to go home when I feel like that, but then I never know where to go.

There's no equivalent of an oven around.

Some might call these two different reactions a contradiction, but they're wrong because shut up.

I am finding my place in the world - there's equivalent hangouts that won't cook me frozen. Also, I hate the weather when it's too hot for jackets or jumpers and too cold for not. Maybe that's what happened to the mouse - silly bugger forgot his wittle mouse outfit.



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