Destroying the Universe

Time is like a creepy guy on the train next to me right now. No matter how much you ignore the heavy breathing or narrowed-eye stare (oh god, why is he looking at me now?? Should I stop dictating this blog????).. No matter how much you ignore it, it will take you for a ride if you let it, and when it's done you'll think "No.. What happened to me?"

Seriously, this guy is kind of freaking me out a bit.

Oh shit, now another guy is staring at me, and I don't even have boobs!

So, about a month ago I started walking to random places. Not hugely random like bus-stop #2 on the 396's route (total coincidence- someone I don't stalk gets off there at 7:12 most every weeknight except Thursdays), but random places from my past. A little reminiscing, but also erasing. I walked past my old school, my old uni, my old man, my old work, and lots of places from memories. Some places didn't exist anymore, so I don't know how you could say I walked past them, but whatever dude, it's your story.

In a way it was like erasing the past, but then the universe ceased to exist so I fixeded it. I did delete bad karma, but also lamented lost opportunities. You shouldn't dwell in the past though, so I came back. But like this guy with a whisper-thin moustache and pungent rag, it does make you think about how quickly things can change.

Those places, while a part of me, are my past. They're gone now, and like my potential kidnapper, are best moved away from.

Now, the places I go might be the site of future memorable memories.

Anyway, signing off now. I have a sweet tooth, and apparently this guy has candy. See, I shouldn't be so judgemental.



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