Respect the Unexpected

Time is like a taxi. You can't expect it to take you where you want to go if you don't tell it anywhere. It's not a Johnny Cab. If you get inside and say drive, you're going to end up in Newcastle. Potentially any Newcastle connected by land, since even a kick-ass water taxi is unlikely to cross the ocean, though of course you never know. Time will dump you there, too.

Sometimes you know where you want to go, and even have an idea of how to get there, so you say "Pardon my audacity, but I wish to travel to Liverpool in this fine motorised vehicle." (taking extra care to pronounce it as veer-hick-el, not vyr-kul so that you don't end up in the frozen north).

So the driver says "Is take to this road?" And you go "uh, sure." I mean the guy's a driver, he has to know the way. Well time screws you the same way. I mean, you know you want to be an astronaut or World Cupcake Champion, but time is always saying "You go moon next year, good yes?" or MY CUPCAKES FATSO!!! And time doesn't really need it, cause we know the whole 'curvature of spacetime' is just the nice way of saying time's so heavy, it created mass.

That's the real reason everything was 'Heavy' in Back to the Future.

At this point you get annoyed, and decide to get there yourself. You know where you want to go (anywhen but now). Even if you try to get there yourself, there's a bunch of taxi's in your way that go GRRRR MY ROAD. GET YOUR OWN DIMENSION, JERK

Also, sometimes it knocks you on your backside when you don't expect it.

Today I saw that. With a taxi, that is. Time is a lot less literal when it comes to physically knocking people over.

A woman was hit by a taxi in The City. She wasn't killed, lucky for her, and I didn't see the circumstances. What I did see is lots of people rushing out to help her, which was nice. Usually the tabloids and lunatic fringe like to paint this city as a heartless den of depravityNO WAIT THAT'S THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. It was nice to see them so utterly wrong - now they can go back to what's important:

Reporting on Masterchef!

But to attempt some sort of cohesion here - both a taxi and time can take you places you haven't been before, and it's possible that along the way you'll see something and go "hey, i'll get out here." before you realise the skinny girl in the short shorts and a low-cut top is actually a guy and have to find another taxi.

If you have doubts about this, watch Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. There's a reason time continues in San Dimas when they travel around - just like a taxi, the meter is always running.



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