Just one time

Time is like inspiration, in an inversely-proportionate kind of way. When you have lots of one, you never seem to have enough of the other. One of my biggest problems is that I often have way too much time on my hands. It just happens to be at the wrong times.

Actually motivation belongs in there somewhere, too. Like right now, I really couldn't be bothered to write aside from this where I'm just dumping whatever's on my mind as opposed to trying to write something amazing instead.

Considering writing is 'my passion', that's bad.

It's kind of annoying, since if I didn't have so much time at the times I did have time, then I'd probably seem a lot more sane. I don't know if it's a case of too much time, or if I'm just phenomenally brilliant at doing things quickly that when I reply to peoples and they take 30 seconds I think "WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG? I TYPED IN 20 SECONDS ITS QUICKER TO READ FFS"

I'm terrible at procrastinating for that very reason. I'll sometimes talk to a bunch of different people at once while reading websites, playing games, and checking my phone all at the same time and still have spare time to daydream.

Yeah, 'terrible' is probably the wrong word, since with that repertoire you'd have to say I'm actually very GOOD at procrastination. It's just being good at it is a terrible thing.

It's not that I have ADD, ADHD, AD or even BC. It's just when my brain kicks into gear, it goes kind of fast. Imagine if there were some sort of mechanical contraption which could travel so fast, it could actually lift into the air like the birds do. Okay, suspend your disbelief for a moment, and try to imagine. And imagine now that this mechanical bird is large enough to fit an elephant inside, and is decorated with jewels and all sorts of exotic metal like gold, silver, and ivory. And it played an awesome musical tune every time I press this beautifully ornate ivory button.

Wouldn't that be cool?

If anyone reading this is a reclusive billionaire that could make use of my services (blogging is the closest I have to a skill. Yeah, you know you want these... um.. blogginess), then I would totally take a job in exchange for my magical blingbird.

Right now I have a bunch of time, yet very little motivation. Tomorrow on the train I'll probably have time, and maybe even motivation, yet without a seat. Also maybe without inspiration, as there's a part I'm trying to get through that I'm just having trouble with. Considering it's a 3 paragraph piece I could maybe just skip it, but I is trying to make my novel really great.

Sometimes I'll feel like doing something new, though the next something new isn't probably going to start till nanowrimo. Or. OR. ORRR... I could christen my new writing books by writing something new - I don't really want to use them for something OLD until I finish with the book I'm currently midway through.

I'm thinking a western or vampires or maybe both. Or DINOSAURS

Could there be dinosaur vampire cowboys?

So yeah, while I should be working on my novel at the moment, I REALLY can't be bothered. So INSTEAD I'm stalking facebook waiting for someone, anyone, to talk to or reply to or be witty to.

But since I can't find none right now, is blog time.


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