There's Never a Now

Time is like a river. Pshshshshshsh. Noisy! Well no, you can't hear it. I mean sometimes people might say time whooshed by, but they are lying. It might feel like it's passing you by so quickly that you imagine there's some huge gust of wind and your brain says "Wow, time's totally flying by right now." but it's SILENT. Even now it's flowing like a really super quiet river, running away from you with every tick of the clock. No, it's totally not the same thing.

Alright, so, sometimes I think a lot of nonsense. Bear with me though!

No, tapping your foot waiting for me to get to the point isn't the same thing as time making sound - it's YOU being impatient! Also, deluded to think I'll always have a point. Or ever?

So, it's like this. Time is like a river. If you drop a little splotchy of neon-pink dye into it, you're probably better off not drinking from the river and it's completely for the best if we instead settle on a hypothetical river instead of an actual one since this didn't go down too well with my 'Time is the Gulf of Mexico' analogy that I've since removed. So hypothetical river, splotchy pink, and pshshshsh (okay, so hypothetical time river makes a sound since I have no pictures to indicate the flow of water in this case). And then the dye moves along a current, and then it's gone. At any point, you could try to scoop up some dye, but you'll never really capture it.

The dye is you. Yes, you're bright pink, but you're confident in who you are and you really don't care what people say, because you're your own person DAMNIT! It hurts of course, but why should you change who you are? JUST LET ME BE ME!!!

Right... um.. where was I?

I had a novel/script/story/poem/blog idea once about a time-travelling fool that attempted to recapture a lost past by trying to relive a beautiful moment, prolonging it. I may have also had a dream to this effect, and it's entirely possible that I invented time-travel and completely messed with the flow of time and left my life in a disorganised mess from what it was meant to be.

It's also possible I didn't, in which case I probably should invent time-travel because hey, why not, right?

Anyway, something occurred to me earlier this week: There's never a now. Even as I type this, the words were created before I see them, even if just infinitesimally 'ago'. Yeah, this is already old news. For you reader(s) (please be s's!) that are reading it, the next sentence is the future, whereas these words are the past.

Also, I was very tempted to not have a next sentence to demonstrate the tenuous nature of the future's knowability (hush, it should be a word). Or to be a jerk. One of the two. OR two of them.

Please don't tamper with our chronological river. Keep our space-time continuum free of pollutants.



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