Maybe it'll grow on me...

Time is like a segway into the stuff I want to talk about instead of time. So, since I've lambasted all of my twitter and facebook sorties (of which I believe you're currently all comprised of anyway. It's like some really lame Voltron - even worse than the vehicles one. NO IT SUCKED DEAL WITH IT), I'm going to repeat it again here. I hate my haircut.

This morning I had the feeling that today was going to be a great day. I woke up with a Custard song in my head, so I thought I'd kick my morning walk to the station off with that gem (in the hopes of getting the fricking thing out of my head. Fly, Be Free!) AND while I was tracking down the song itself, I failed to notice that the sun came out from behind the clouds, and it was turning into a purdy day. Then the next song was a good song, so I took it as a sign that yes, it'd be a great, fantabulous day. My day in fact. Even the WEATHER was more to my liking.

Long story short, my haircut sucked.

Okay, so that might be too short. LIKE MY FRICKING HAIR.

I've been growing my fringe a little longer, and going for the messy "I can't be bothered brushing my hair" look. Unlike most people that go for this look, mine is because I don't bother brushing my hair. So anyway, last time I got a haircut, I asked the guy to just even up the front, and make it neat. So it stayed long-ish, just looked a lot tidier. It was great! But now time has passed (fricking time always wants to show up in these posts), and I needed cut hair.

So I go to the same place, say "trim the side, back, but leave the front the same length."

Now I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "by SAME LENGTH he means cut the hell out of it!"

Sadly, you'd be mistaken, though if that was your answer, and the three of us (you, me and evil hairdresser) took a vote, I'd be outnumbered on it 2-1.

You ever go out for lunch and really crave something - like... well, food (while I could cannibalise my fb statuses from the day for this topic, or at least go for something in the same tone, I'll leave it open. In fact, I said cannibalise, so I'll run with THAT instead). So when you really want some long pig for lunch, and all they have is regular short pig, it's still tasty and such, but it's not exactly the soylent bacon you were craving. Hence, you're disappointed.

Well, my haircut is short pig (pun actually not intended, as far as I know) - it's not that it's a bad haircut, moreso it's just not what I wanted.

And life's like that sometimes. And time. I guess I'm just not ready to look neat and stylish at this point in my life, and just wanted to lessen the awesomeness a little by looking a little scruffy. Duh, like I'd want to be a moisture farmer.


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