All Stations? Really??

Time is like public transport. Eventually you'll get where you need to, but it never pays attention to the timetable it's supposed to. Yes, this is similar to my 'Time is like a taxi' statement, but this is better. EVERY post I make is better than the previous, at least with regards to my analogies of things to Time. Also like public transport, they usually don't get you to exactly where you expected either, but it's a close fit. Like public transport, there's always those people that know where they want to go, but don't pay attention to the indicator board.

I'm a bit like that at the moment. There's different routes I can take... and by that I mean an alternate pronounciation... but there's some you know just aren't the right way. The awful shame with me, though, is I hate standing still. I'd rather take any step than none, even if I know it's one backwards. I once went to see a friend's band play at Annandale, and rather than wait 20-25 minutes for a bus, decided I would walk home instead.

The thing is, I know I'm getting closer to where I need to be. Seven months ago, I was a lot further. I was back living with my parents, had gone through the breakup of a relationship that sucked the life out of me like I was that yummy bit in the bone when you have lamb chops, and I was fairly broke. Even still, I was optimistic. Someone asked me how I was, and I said pretty crap, but I knew things would be better in the future. I didn't know how they'd get there (and inside I thought it was more like a year or two away, rather than the crazy TWO WEEK PERIOD in which it all happened), but I just knew.

Not a lot of that has changed, but the main one which I'm happy about, is I'm living on my own. While there's still a teensy bit for me to still sort out, it feels like things are getting closer to how they're supposed to be, at least at this particular point in time. It did feel like my train had been derailed back in February, but it turns out that was just pushing a Delorean to get me back to where I was supposed to be. Sure, it's a weird twisted version of what I thought would happen, but at the same time, it feels right.

I think the real kicker for me was today. I hung a painting up on the wall. It's not an exceptionally brilliant painting, but why it was special, is because that little crappy painting (my assessment - my friend who saw it lying around thought it was AMAZING)... is one I painted. You couldn't even see the numbers anymore or anything!

So, delays aside. Wrong stop aside. Insane fares aside. I'm here.

Well, nearly.


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